Any uncovered position one day means that the organization does not work at full capacity and means loss. And these losses can grow exponentially if those who occupy themselves are not fit with the organization and talented in what they do.
This is why Mentor's offers you outsourced recruitment and selection solutions that will help you meet your business performance and organizational development goals.

Why Mentor's Search?

1. We guarantee the results offer you the largest warranty on the market, for 12 months for individual contributer and 18 months for experts. We are in solidarity with your business results, assume a process profitable on long-term of selecting for the future talents.

2. We have a rigorous selection methodology (with included assessment center) focused on identifying the cultural profile of future potential candidates and on assessing the capabilities needed for sustainable performance development.

3. We have a good knowledge of the market by offering our partners the necessary consultancy both for clarifying and filling positions and for choosing the optimal compensation and benefits package for each job.